As the Government prepares to leave the EU on 31 October, whatever the circumstances, businesses are preparing too. What are the implications for your business? We can help. Talk to us today. #Brexit #smallbusinesstips
As the government prepares for UK to leave the EU on the 31st October, businesses that trade with the EU are preparing too.
UK businesses will have to apply customs, excise and VAT processes to goods sold into the EU (these rules already apply for goods and services traded outside of the EU).
Trading partners in the EU will have to apply customs, excise and VAT processes to trade they carry out with you, in the same way that they do for goods and services traded from outside of the EU.
After Brexit, businesses will not be able to move goods in and out of the UK without a UK EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification) number.
We can help you ensure you've taken all the steps required, so you are ready for Brexit.
