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  • Emma Walsh

Two of the Greatest Follow up Strategies

It seems none of us have enough hours in the day. Here are two extremely simple strategies to minimise procrastination, grows sales, leverage your time, plan for the things that truly matter, and reduce stress levels.

BAMFAM: Book A Meeting From a Meeting.

Meetings are a necessary beast. From sales meetings and personnel interviews to team meetings; when managed effectively, with a predetermined agenda, they are a great way to get things done.

Be it a phone, skype or in person meeting, booking another meeting from that meeting creates a sense of progress and urgency - propelling those involved to act.

It’s also the oldest trick in the book of creating recurring sales; booking a session in when the customer’s perception of the value of the service they’ve just paid for is at its highest. If you’re not currently BAMFAMing, consider where this would be appropriate in your business.

BAHFAH: Book A Holiday From A Holiday.

We all need time to get away from our business to reconnect with nature and our closest people. It’s proven we’re more relaxed, effective and productive when we take regular breaks and get away from our work environment.

Recent studies suggest that a four-day working week may be more effective than the current five-day model. Say what? We humans can get more done in four days than in five because we’re more focused and productive due to being more rested! Stay tuned for (fingers crossed) more evidence to support this.

Finding work-life balance to improve our mental health and overall life enjoyment will remain a hot topic for some time. Booking a holiday from a holiday is the best way to ensure you put yourself first – because surely your business is there to serve you (not the other way around)?

There’s also no better way to reduce those post-holiday blues than to schedule something else to look forward to.

If you wish to maximise your meeting outcomes, maintain a healthy perspective, and ensure you plan your business around the things that really matter… implement the above simple strategies.

“Live your life by a compass, not a clock.” – Stephen Covey

Contact us for other ways to achieve time, mind and financial freedom.


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